Youth:- It’s Role in the Elections
We all know that India is a Youth Nation and hence in the development of this nation, the youth community here has to play a very pivotal role. Elections, anywhere does play a very important role in giving a country, state, city, institution, organizations… by providing a leader to them. A leader which is appointed by the general consensus is very much responsible for the betterment and development of the body for which he/she is chosen for. A bad leader will make things worse and a good leader will try to reach the pinnacle of betterment which in turn will make things better. Hence it is very necessary that we elect those persons as leaders who have the quality, the vision and motive to improve things. When it comes to General Elections, this matter becomes more important. Through General Elections, we chose those persons, in the hands of whom lies the responsibility of steering the country.
Youth in India needs to play very active and fruitful role in the forthcoming elections. India is banking upon youth’s not only as politicians but also as voters. Youth needs to come forward and should try to make the people aware of their character, their background, etc of the various players contesting to become leaders in the political arena. This will help the voters in choosing a good candidate for leadership. Rather than being lured by the sops offered by various candidates, youth should try to make more people aware of their voting rights and help them in their implementation. Apart from all this there are various things which youth can do regarding awareness, fairness of the elections. This will not only help in giving our country good leadership but will also propel our youth to new heights which they had never experienced before. Youth now must discard this notion that “POLITICS IS A DIRTY THING” and “GOOD PEOPLE DON’T GO IN POLITICS”. We all know that there is too much dirt in politics but someone has to come forward and clear the dirt out. Mere churning out of Engineers and Doctors, MBA’S from rich families is not going to make India progress. Remember 70% of working people are still employed in agriculture. There are various other things which I can give here but this will make this list just a manifesto of problems. People say, politics is not good as a career as there is too much of uncertainty but remember, Winston Churchill once said “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts”. The youth of India should actively participate in the politics if they wish to see a better India. A India where there is full employment, which is free of corruption, red-tape’ ism, discriminations and others. As I mentioned earlier, India is nation of youth, it’s only youth who can come forward and clear this dirt and make our politics dirt free so that India moves ahead with a new sense of “younginism”
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Youth in India needs to play very active and fruitful role in the forthcoming elections. India is banking upon youth’s not only as politicians but also as voters. Youth needs to come forward and should try to make the people aware of their character, their background, etc of the various players contesting to become leaders in the political arena. This will help the voters in choosing a good candidate for leadership. Rather than being lured by the sops offered by various candidates, youth should try to make more people aware of their voting rights and help them in their implementation. Apart from all this there are various things which youth can do regarding awareness, fairness of the elections. This will not only help in giving our country good leadership but will also propel our youth to new heights which they had never experienced before. Youth now must discard this notion that “POLITICS IS A DIRTY THING” and “GOOD PEOPLE DON’T GO IN POLITICS”. We all know that there is too much dirt in politics but someone has to come forward and clear the dirt out. Mere churning out of Engineers and Doctors, MBA’S from rich families is not going to make India progress. Remember 70% of working people are still employed in agriculture. There are various other things which I can give here but this will make this list just a manifesto of problems. People say, politics is not good as a career as there is too much of uncertainty but remember, Winston Churchill once said “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts”. The youth of India should actively participate in the politics if they wish to see a better India. A India where there is full employment, which is free of corruption, red-tape’ ism, discriminations and others. As I mentioned earlier, India is nation of youth, it’s only youth who can come forward and clear this dirt and make our politics dirt free so that India moves ahead with a new sense of “younginism”
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